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Bhakti Tantra Practice

American poet Robert Bly aptly describes Bhakti Tantra as the path where “the bee of the heart stays deep inside the flower, and cares for no other thing.”

This focus on passionate love is integral to Tantra as it turns desire and attachment, the very antidotes of spiritual liberation, into an alchemical fuel for love and the emancipation of Spirit by worshiping all as God. Thus the bee of the heart goes so deep into what it loves that it transforms into love itself. To become that love is the goal of the love-intoxicated path of Tantra.

We will be teaching practices that deepens your love for your beloved and also for all of life and all relationships.

The main practices we teach are the Appreciation Practice and the Longing Practice. 

These practices can help transmute feelings that are natural to the human relationships such as frustration due to desires unmet,  feeling unappreciated and not seen by partner, or general exhaustion due to the stresses of life to a different state, a state that feels more soothing and nurturing.   

Couples who do these practices report feeling lower stress, more appreciation for themselves, for each other, and for their lives. 

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